We all know EBF right?
Heres the thing you never knew about EBF
Do you know what happens when someone of the party dies?
NOTHING. but did you know that when you revive a characater who died in the party you dont actually revive him!?
what really happens is something dark.
under the battlefiled theres the system that has a Cloning machine with over 216,000,000 clones of every characater by that it means the crew and the monsters
i know it because IVE BEEN THERE.
lets take lance shell we? when lance dies or the others. the cloning machine pulls out a clone of lance and befor you can even see whats going on the system takes the dead lance very fast and places a another clone lance. and thats how it works. but befor one of you readers will ask "but how the cloning machine works?" well its easy
the cloning machine tooked DNA from the ORINGINALS. the oringinals are still alive and they help Matt Roszak to take care of Kupo games. and thats how it works...
remember i said that ive been there? its because im a CLONE of lance. it happend when i was supposed to replace another dead lance but then the system had a problem with Electricity and then i got shocked and fell down into a pit that supposed to be uselss items or game ideas deleter. amd then i woke up in there, and i saw a vent. so i opened it and escaped Kupo.INC. but then...Matt Roszak reconized i was missing and then i went Wanted
with all the cash that i had in my stats (or supposed to have when ive replaced a dead lance) i buied a house and i lived there for 15 years. but in one of the years i've joined Newgrounds. and so i called myself "Coolman2003" (yes thats the only named i had in my mind) and now im writing to you Readers about it.
i hope you enjoyed reading.